How to Make Coding Changes on Porsche Vehicles with Launch CRP919X? This article will record the process through pictures and text.
Note: This operation guide is theoretically applicable to all LAUNCH X431 CRP919 series tools. (CRP919X-BT, CRP919E-BT, CRP919E)
Plugin LAUNCH X431 CRP919X device into OBD 2 Port, Turn Key to Accessory Mode and Wait until VIN is Determined, then Hit the Back Arrow in the Upper Left Until You Get to the Next Screen Shown Below.
Then select Diagnose (Although you may want to update the unit if updates are available)
Then Scroll Down and select Porsche
Then Select OK
Then Select Automatically Search
The Unit should determine the type of 718 you have and then Select OK
Then Select System Selection
Then Select the appropriate System for the Code you want to adjust (Note: This is the system listed in the instructions below such as Front-end Electronics, Rear-End Electronics, Instrument Cluster or Air Conditioning)
Then select Code/Brush Hiding
Then select Brush Hidden/Modified
Then find the Code you want to adjust (These are the Codes in the instructions below)
Then Make the Change
Then Hit the Write Code Button