Launch X431 V V4.0 vs Launch X431 V V5.0

launch x431 v v5.0

What’s the difference between Launch X431 V V4.0 and the new Launch X431 V V5.0 8 inch diagnostic scanners?


Check table comparison below:

Item Launch X431 V V4.0

launch x431 v v4.0

Launch X431 V V5.0

launch x431 v v5.0

Screen 8 inch 8 inch
Operating system Android 9.0 Android 10.0
Processor 2.0GHz Quad-core 2.0GHz, Quad-Core
Storage 3GB+ 32GB 4GB + 64GB
Resolution 1280*800 1280*800
Connection WiFi Bluetooth/ USB WiFi Bluetooth/USB
Front camera 2MP
Rear camera 5MP 8MP
Battery 5000mAh 6300mAh
Multi-language Yes Yes
Full system diagnostic Yes Yes
AutoVIN Yes Yes
Special functions 31 37
Actuation Test Yes Yes
VW Audi Guided Function Optional Yes
ECU Coding Yes Yes
FCA AutoAuth Yes Yes
CAN FD With optional CAN FD adapter Yes
DoIP No Yes
Immobilizer programmer With X-prog3 With X-prog3
Videoscope With VSP600 With VSP600
Battery tester With BST360 With BST360
Wi-Fi printer With WiFi printer With WiFi printer
ADAS calibration With ADAS tools With ADAS tools
Heavy duty module No No
Update 2 years free update 2 years free update

In sum:

X431 V V5.0 host hardware is strongly upgraded, surrounded by industrial-grade protection, and has super battery life. It is equipped with a 2.0Ghz 4-core efficient processor and 4GB RAM + 64GB ROM large storage to run faster, more stably, and last longer.

X431 V V4.0 has DBscar IV connector, it does not support DoIP protocol. X431 V V5.0 has new DBScar VII connector, supports CAN FD and DoIP protocols. So it can do newer GMs, Benz, JLR etc.

X431 V V5.0 supports more special functions than V4.0. Other functions and add-on modules are the same.

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