LAUNCH X431 Special Functions: Resets Tesla Model 3 Airbag Data

LAUNCH X431_Resets Tesla Model 3 Airbag Data

LAUNCH X431 tool supports diagnosis of new energy vehicles, such as Tesla, and the special functions of X431 diagnostic tool are also applicable to new energy vehicles. This article will introduce how to reset Tesla Model 3 airbag data.


Function Introduction:

This function is used to reset airbag crash data in order to recycle airbag ECU (Electric Control Unit).

Note: In some countries, erasing airbag crash data without changing airbag assembly is not legal. So, we highly recommend to replacing car’s entire airbag assembly.


Condition requirements:

To reset Tesla airbag crash data, you will need Launch X431 scanner (PAD VIIPAD VX431 Pro3 V+ ElitePro5, Pro3s+, X431 Throttle etc) , Tesla software license and X431 Tesla Airbag Repair Designated Connector (The airbag connector is included in the X431 EV Kit. If you have the EV Kit, don’t need to buy the adapter separately).

Software requirements: TESLA V10.02 or above version


The preliminary preparation work is divided into three steps. (For some Model 3 vehicle, there’s no need to remove airbag ECU. If OBDII can communicate normally, please skip this procedure)

Preparation 1: Remove airbag ECU from vehicle

Airbag ECU picture

LAUNCH X431_Resets Tesla Model 3 Airbag Data


Airbag ECU connection position

LAUNCH X431_Resets Tesla Model 3 Airbag Data


Preparation 2: Airbag ECU wiring diagram

Wiring and pin allocation

LAUNCH X431_Resets Tesla Model 3 Airbag Data

+12V: 12V power supply

GND: Ground wire

CAN_H: CAN high

CAN_L: CAN low


Preparation 3: Tesla airbag repair designated connector wiring diagram

LAUNCH X431_Resets Tesla Model 3 Airbag Data


Resetting airbag crash data software operation procedure.

1. Go into Tesla software, select [Model 3] -> [Special Function] -> [Service AIRBAG].

LAUNCH X431_Resets Tesla Model 3 Airbag Data


Or select [Model 3] -> [System Selection]–>[SDM Airbag] -> [Special Function].

LAUNCH X431_Resets Tesla Model 3 Airbag Data


2. Unlock airbag ECU, click [Unlock EEPROM After Crash]. It will finish automatically.

LAUNCH X431_Resets Tesla Model 3 Airbag Data


3. Read airbag ECU memory, select [Read EEProm]menu, when reading is done, input backup file name, select backup file storage directory, data backup is done.

LAUNCH X431_Resets Tesla Model 3 Airbag Data


4. Input backup file name, for example [Model_3_20210520]

LAUNCH X431_Resets Tesla Model 3 Airbag Data


5. Click [OK] to backup data.

LAUNCH X431_Resets Tesla Model 3 Airbag Data


6. Read EEPROM and backup finished.

LAUNCH X431_Resets Tesla Model 3 Airbag Data


7. Erase crash data, go into [Erase Crash – Direct] menu, select [Read EEProm] backup file.

The software will automatically perform [Write EEProm] to write backup data and verify if data written is correct.

7-1. Select backup file, click [Model_3_20210520.bin] to select back file.

LAUNCH X431_Resets Tesla Model 3 Airbag Data


7-2. Edit backup data. Press [YES] to use default data. Press [Auto Set] to automatically modify value (recommended). Press [Memory Dump] to manually modify backup data.

LAUNCH X431_Resets Tesla Model 3 Airbag Data


7-3. If you press [Auto Set], it will skip this procedure. Press [Memory Dump], you can manually modify backup data. Start address is where the system starts to read backup data and it can be modified manually.

After entering start address, press [Confirm] to write modified data, click [Restore] to recover it to old value.

LAUNCH X431_Resets Tesla Model 3 Airbag Data


7-4. Write data, erase airbag crash data.

LAUNCH X431_Resets Tesla Model 3 Airbag Data


7-5. Verify written data.

LAUNCH X431_Resets Tesla Model 3 Airbag Data


8. Write crash data, go into [Write EEProm] menu, select backup file. The software will automatically write backup data and verify if data is correct.

This procedure is similar to above mentioned procedure [Erase Crash – Direct].

8-1. Select backup file, click [Model_3_20210520.bin] to select back file.

LAUNCH X431_Resets Tesla Model 3 Airbag Data


8-2. Edit backup data. Press [YES] to use default data. Press [Auto Set] to automatically modify value (recommended). Press [Memory Dump] to manually modify backup data.

LAUNCH X431_Resets Tesla Model 3 Airbag Data


8-3. Write Data.

LAUNCH X431_Resets Tesla Model 3 Airbag Data


9. Verify written backup data.

LAUNCH X431_Resets Tesla Model 3 Airbag Data


10. Erase crash record, go into [Erase Crash Record] menu, the software will automatically finish it.

LAUNCH X431_Resets Tesla Model 3 Airbag Data


11. Clear DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code), put airbag ECU back. Erasing crash data is done.

LAUNCH X431_Resets Tesla Model 3 Airbag Data


12. If you find the above procedure is cumbersome, please click [Crash Data Resetting Automatically] menu, it will automatically perform all procedures.

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