Comparative Analysis of Launch X431 Pro5 and Euro Pro5

Launch X431 Euro Pro5

Some users will find that there are two versions of Launch X431 Pro5 currently on the market: Pro5 and Euro Pro5. Despite a significant price difference, both the Launch X431 Pro5 and Euro Pro5 are authentic products from Launch X-431.

To better understand the variances between the two, let’s delve into a table comparison:

Item Launch X431 Pro5 Launch X431 Euro Pro5
Image Launch X431 Pro5 Launch X431 Euro Pro5
Operating system Android 10.0 Android 10.0
CPU 4-Core 2.0GHz 4-Core 2.0GHz
Internal memory 4GB 4GB
Storage 64Gb with 32GB micro SD card, expandable to +128Gb 64Gb with 32GB micro SD card, expandable to +128Gb
Screen 10.1 1280X800 full HD IPS 10.1 1280X800 full HD IPS
Battery 7000mAh 7000mAh
WiFi 2.4 and 5Ghz 2.4 and 5Ghz
Cameras front 5MP, Rear 8MP front 5MP, Rear 8MP
Protocol J2534/DOIP/CANFD/HD DOIP, CAN FD, J2534/1/2, D-PDU, RP-1210/C
IP Restriction No IP Restrictions European regions ONLY
Full Bidirectional Active Test Yes Yes
Full system diagnostic Yes Yes
ECU Coding Yes Yes
Service Function 50 service reset: ABS Bleeding/TPS/Oil light service reset/EPB/TPMS/CVT/SAS/Battery Registration/IMMO/Suspension reset/Sunroof reset and etc. 50 service reset: ABS Bleeding/TPS/Oil light service reset/EPB/TPMS/CVT/SAS/Battery Registration/IMMO/Suspension reset/Sunroof reset and etc.
Online database No LAUNCH Guided Diagnosis function — HaynesPro Electronics, 1 year included
J2534 SmartBox 3.0 Yes No (Only EuroPro5 LINK has smartbox)
FCA AutoAuth Access Security Gateway (SGW) Optional Optional
Passthru J2534 flashing Yes No
DoIP Yes Yes
Adaptation, coding Yes Yes
ADAS calibration functions Optional Optional
IMMO programming X-PROG3 X-PROG3
VAG Guided Function Yes Yes
Add Modules to Expand Features ADAS Calibration Toolkit; VSP-600 Video Scope; X431 TPMS TSGUN; BST360 Bluetooth Battery Tester; X-PROG & X-PROG3 Immobilizer. ADAS Calibration Toolkit; VSP-600 Video Scope; X431 TPMS TSGUN; BST360 Bluetooth Battery Tester; X-PROG & X-PROG3 Immobilizer.
HD Support optional truck adapter kit and license optional HD III truck module
Update 2 Years free update 2 Years Free Update
Vehicle coverage 150+Brands Vehicles from 1996-2022, Support HD protocol – Vehicles coverage with over 100+ worldwide makes from America, Europe and Asia
AutoVIN Scan Yes Yes
WiFi Printer Optional Optional
Wireless Diagnotsic VCI SmartBox 3.0 DBScar
Back bracket No smart design for the convenient placing
Docking station No Practical storage for the connector and printer


In essence, the tablet parameters of the Launch X431 Pro5 and Euro Pro5 are quite similar, with both devices offering comparable functionalities. The primary distinction lies in their respective Vehicle Communication Interface (VCI) boxes – the X431 Pro5 boasts the new Smartbox 3.0, while the Euro Pro5 is equipped with the DBScar VCI.


Launch X431 Pro5 can do BMW and Mercedes online programming and online coding for many other brands. It is the new feature of X431 Pro5 in year 2023 (need to activate online programming function). EuroPro5 with DBScar cannot do online programming. Only the new EuroPro5 LINK with smartlink c can do online programming.

Launch X431 Euro Pro5


A notable feature of the Pro5 is its Smartbox, which can function as a passthru J2534 interface for OEM online programming. In contrast, the Euro Pro5 with DBScar VCI cannot serve as a passthru device.


The Smartlink C/Smartbox 3.0, found in the Pro5, doubles as a Pass-Thru device for ECU reprogramming. Users must install the Smartlink driver on their laptop to enable the Pass-Thru functions, adjusting settings for Smartlink C. Subsequently, users can procure reprogramming software from the OEM’s website and install it on their laptop, allowing Smartlink C to connect the vehicle and the OE software.


Crucially, the X-431 Pro5 is a global version with no IP limitations, while the Euro Pro5 is exclusively available through European dealerships. This global reach adds flexibility to the Pro5, enabling its use across diverse regions without constraints.


In conclusion, while the Launch X431 Pro5 and Euro Pro5 share fundamental tablet parameters, their differences in VCI technology and online programming capabilities set them apart. Users should consider their specific diagnostic needs and budget constraints when choosing between these two advanced Launch X-431 products.

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