LAUNCH X431 IMMO Plus vs. X431 IMMO Elite

Upgrade Launch X431 IMMO Elite to X431 IMMO PLUS

LAUNCH X431 IMMO ELITE and X431 IMMO PLUS are based on the same hardware, so what is the difference between them? This article will compare the differences between the two.

LAUNCH IMMO Tool Function Table:

Product X431 IMMO Plus X431 IMMO Elite
Image LAUNCH X431 IMMO PLUS_2year update LAUNCH X431 IMMO Elite_2year update
Processor 2.0Ghz 4-core 2.0Ghz 4-core
Operation system Android 10.0 Android 10.0
Storage capacity 4GB RAM+64GB ROM 4GB RAM+64GB ROM (128gb can be extended))
Touch screen 8 inch, 1280*800 8 inch, 1280*800
Battery 47880mWh (7.6V,6300mAh) 47880mWh (7.6V,6300mAh)
Camera Rear 8MP Rear 8MP
WiFi 2.4GHz/5GHz (dual frequency) 2.4GHz/5GHz (dual frequency)
Interface TYPE A *1 &TYPE C*1 TYPE A *1 &TYPE C*1
Size 234*166*39.5(mm) 234*166*39.5(mm)
Language 24 languages 24 languages
Update 2 years free update online 2 years free update online
Compatible models X431 Videoscope/X431 TSGUN TPMS WAND/X431 RF-Sensor/X431 PROG3/X431 BST360/X431 PRINTER X431 Videoscope/X431 TSGUN TPMS WAND/X431 RF-Sensor/X431 PROG3/X431 BST360/X431 PRINTER
CAN FD/DOIP protocols Need Purchase DOIP Connector Separately Yes
Vehicle coverage 110+ brands 80+ brands
IMMO Anti-theft Yes, with X-prog 3 Yes, with X-prog 3
Key programming Yes Yes
All system diagnostics Yes Yes
Reset function 39+ 39+
ECU replacement& cloning Yes Yes
AutoAuth for FCA SGW Yes Yes
Bidirectional control (Active test) Yes Yes
One click update Yes Yes
Refresh hidden functions Yes Yes
VAG Guided functions Yes Yes
Auto VIN Scan Yes Yes
Remote diagnosis Yes Yes
Smart Mode (guided and automated key learningļ¼‰ Yes Yes
Expert mode (advanced key learning) Yes Yes
Read PIN/CS (all key lost) Yes Yes
Key generation/key learning/remote learning Yes Yes
IMMO ECU reset/adaptation Yes Yes
ECU coding Yes No
Key read/write Yes Yes
EEPROM/MCU read/write Yes Yes
MC9S12 Encryption chip read/write Yes Yes
Mercedes infrared key read/write Yes Yes


In general, IMMO PLUS and IMMO ELITE are the same in terms of IMMO functions, that is, key programming.

The biggest difference is that IMMO Plus supports ECU coding, while IMMO Elite does not.


1. IMMO Plus supports ECU coding, active testing and boot functions. IMMO Elite does not support.

2. IMMO Plus supports TSGUN TPMS add-on components, while IMMO Elite does not.

3. IMMO Plus supports advanced system diagnosis, while IMMO Elite supports basic system diagnosis. This means that IMMO Plus can support more brands of vehicles for complete system diagnosis, active testing, module initialization and free reset (the difference in the number of brands supported by the two devices in the function table is because of this).


As we mentioned at the beginning, “LAUNCH X431 IMMO ELITE and X431 IMMO PLUS are based on the same hardware”, so can IMMO ELITE be upgraded to IMMO PLUS?
The answer is yes, you can activate the relevant functions by purchasing a license:

Upgrade Launch X431 IMMO Elite to X431 IMMO PLUS

Update IMMO Elite to IMMP Plus to enable full system diagnostic, active test and ECU coding functions.

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