Launch X431 software update: BMW, Porsche, Ferrari, Isuzu(JP)

Launch X431 diagnostic software update-BMW PORSCHE

LAUNCH X431 diagnostic software was updated on January 24, 2024. The brands involved in this software upgrade are BMW, PORSCHE, FERRARI, JPISUZU. Keep updated to get the latest features. If the update service expires, you can use Launch subscription card or renew from the “Mall” option of the device. The following is the detailed log of this update:


BMW V51.35
Updated VIN data till November 2023;
optimized software;
updated basic function, special function data till July 2023;
Added special function for some chassis.

Optimized ADAS LITE software function, added and completed special functions for Cayenne-9YA, Panamer(971), Taycan up to 2023 year model.

Optimized Gear box system communication function for 360 Modena.

Added the special function page on the topological graph page.
Optimized system functions and service functions

Launch X431 diagnostic software update-BMW PORSCHE

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